Yoga As Therapy - How Yoga Heals

Lung Health

When people think about yoga, one of the first things that come to mind (aside from learning to touch your toes) is deep breathing. For those who live with challenges to lung health, whether it’s due to allergies, asthma, or other illness, this emphasis on the breath in yoga practice is promising. The lungs are an important part of our overall health. They play a vital role in maintaining bodily functions by bringing in oxygen, getting rid of carbon dioxide and regulating cellular metabolism and pH levels source . When lung health is compromised it can affect areas of our lives. The good news is that yoga can help. A 2006 study suggested that yoga practice provided practitioners with “a relaxed state of mind, better subjective well-being and concentration on the task, improved lung ventilation and strength of respiratory muscles.” source . The practice of pranayama (or breathing techniques) and yoga postures have also been linked with improved lung function in numerous studies such as this one source.

Not surprisingly these studies suggest that lung health improves in proportion to the intensity and duration of yoga practised. However, even small amounts of practice can create positive results in the experience of lung capacity and comfortable breathing. This research source indicates that yoga practice can create a marked improvement in the health of people living with bronchial asthma, a health condition that has been affecting larger percentages of global populations in recent decades, most likely due to increased pollutants in the air. Although many studies emphasise the effect of combining yogic breathing techniques with physical postures, there is evidence source to suggest that the breathing practices or Pranayam, alone can be of benefit to lung health. Basically, we can safely say that whether you’re a healthy individual looking to improve lung capacity for overall health, or are living with complications to your lung health, taking up the practice of yoga and yogic breathing techniques can help you to breath easy, both literally and metaphorically.


28/04/18 by



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